FrontPage Extensions are system files that need to be present on a web server in order for particular features of sites created with Microsoft FrontPage to operate correctly. When these files aren't on your server, your Internet sites will still work, but with restricted features and they may display errors from time to time. In addition, when your web hosting supplier has FrontPage Extensions on their servers, you can publish your content from the application, eliminating the need to use any kind of third-party FTP client to upload files. All you need to do is to enter you web hosting account FTP info in the FrontPage settings and the program will do all the rest. Future updates can be done identically, which makes FrontPage an excellent selection for people with little or no experience.

FrontPage Extensions in Hosting

You can easily set up and upload your website employing FrontPage, as all of the Linux hosting that we supply support FrontPage Extensions. While quite a few other providers discontinue the support of this feature, we allow you to choose if you will continue using FrontPage or you'll move to an alternative web design application and we have no plans for this to change. After you log in to the Hepsia Control Panel, that will be used to manage your new website hosting account, you can enable FrontPage extensions for any domain name that you host or subdomain that you create with just 2 clicks. The feature is activated right away and our system will include the FrontPage Extensions system files in the selected folder, so you are able to go ahead and upload your site files without any difficulty. If you choose to switch to some other app for your site, disabling FrontPage Extensions is just as simple.

FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our semi-dedicated hosting support FrontPage extensions, so if you want to use a site designed with this application, you will not have any kind of troubles to host it on our innovative cloud hosting platform. Unlike various website hosting service providers out there, we won't stop the support for this feature and we won't force you to switch the web design application that you use because we believe this is none of our business. All that you have to do to enable FrontPage Extensions is click on a button in the Hosted Domains area of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, and since you're able to do this per domain/subdomain, you can still use script-driven applications for other websites without any interference. To give an example, the main site can be built in FrontPage, while a forum script can be installed in a subdomain as an add-on to the main site. When you use our services, you can pick how you will build your web presence and we will never limit you in this regard.